We notice that most of your images are of couples and guests – Do you shoot family formals too?

Yes, of course! If you’re got this far, you already know that I love to photograph couples and it’s one of the main reasons people book me – It’s one of my favorite times of the day, but that’s not to say that the other times aren’t as important to me. Family photos are super important and although you may not think it now, they will become a lasting memory of loved and lost ones in years to come.

“Aaah, the dreaded family photos”, It’s a regular question. “Are we going to be stood around for hours waiting for photos?” Well, that’s up to you guys… If you’ve got a list of 30 different family combinations with everyone looking inch by inch-perfect, but slightly bored and uncomfortable, I’m probably not the person for your wedding. If however you just want a handful of nice photos, (and some great funny ones too) of your closest family and friends, then we’re all set.